Year-over-Year Market Comparison: Vail Real Estate 2023 vs 2024

REAL ESTATE | Market Analysis

Average Sale Price

In the first half of 2023, the average sale price for residential properties in Vail was $2,256,480. This increased to $2,355,096 in 2024, reflecting a 4.37% rise. This increase suggests a steady demand for Vail properties and possibly a shift towards higher-end transactions.

Number of Sales

The number of sales saw a significant jump from 358 in 2023 to 445 in 2024, indicating a more active market with increased buyer participation.

Average Days on Market (DOM)

The average days on market decreased slightly from 84 days in 2023 to 80 days in 2024. This reduction implies that properties are selling faster, which is often a sign of a robust seller’s market.

Price Per Square Foot

There was a notable increase in the price per square foot from $952 in 2023 to $1,079 in 2024. This 13.35% rise highlights the appreciating value of real estate in Vail, likely driven by high demand and limited supply.

Interest Rates

Interest rates have remained relatively stable but high over this period. The federal funds rate was 5.33% in June 2024, consistent with the levels observed earlier in the year. This is significantly higher compared to the rates seen before 2022, which were historically low​ (Home)​​ (Home)​. High interest rates can impact mortgage costs and, consequently, buyer affordability.

Buyer vs. Seller Market

Given the faster sales (lower DOM) and higher number of transactions, the market in the first half of 2024 leans towards being a seller’s market. Properties are selling more quickly and at higher prices, indicating that sellers have the upper hand.

Economic Factors

Several economic factors have influenced the real estate market:

  1. Inflation: Persistent inflation pressures have kept the Federal Reserve’s interest rates high, affecting borrowing costs and, in turn, real estate transactions.
  2. Employment and Wages: Improvements in employment rates and wages post-pandemic have bolstered buyer confidence and purchasing power, contributing to the increased number of sales.
  3. Economic Stability: General economic stability and growth have supported real estate investments. The Treasury’s economic outlook reflects continued expansion and consumer confidence​ (U.S. Department of the Treasury)​​ (New York Fed)​.


The Vail real estate market has shown strong growth from the first half of 2023 to the first half of 2024, with rising prices, increased sales, and a slight reduction in the time properties spend on the market. While high interest rates present a challenge, the overall economic environment and market dynamics suggest a favorable trend for sellers.

This comparison provides valuable insights for potential buyers and sellers, helping them make informed decisions based on current market conditions and trends.
